IFAB Laws of the Game

The International Football Association Board, or IFAB, “works to ensure that the Laws of the Game remain fair and adapt to important changes in the game” (quotation link).

International Football Association Board (IFAB) is your source for the Laws of the Game, often referred to as LOTG. Their website can be found here: http://www.theifab.com/laws

You can download a PDF version of the Laws of the Game (LOTG) in English, French, German, and Spanish here: http://www.theifab.com/document/laws-of-the-game

IFAB has also created an app you can download to access the LOTG. It is available on the App Store and Google Play store. For more information, go here: https://theifab.com/logapp/

IFAB makes changes to the LOTG. Some years there are no changes, and other years there are multiple changes. The changes are announced in advance and become effective on July 1 of the upcoming calendar year, and USSF often waits until the end of the existing competitions to implement these rules.

  • The IFAB Laws of the Game for each year will be applied starting July 1 of that year.

  • CDRef will inform you of changes to the LOTG in a meeting, and will advise on when they will become effective for our matches.

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