
Assignments are based on a number of different factors: your knowledge and ability, the match level, your location and distance to travel to the site, and many other factors. 

As a new referee, you may find yourself with a number of assignments as an Assistant Referee. This is done purposefully by the assignor to increase your knowledge and provide you with practical experience before serving as a Center Referee.

Good habits to build with assignments are:

  • Accept or decline the match within 48 hours.

  • Keep your calendar up to date. Put blocks on days you are unavailable.

  • Let your assignor know if you have any conflicts of interest, such as playing for a specific team or having a family member who is playing/coaching for a specific team.

Tom Green is the Youth Assignor for CDRef. Tom uses ArbiterSports to allocate match assignments. He provides a presentation during each new referee class to inform you on how to use ArbiterSports.

Tom Green is also the Assignor of Tournaments for CDRef. Tom uses ArbiterSports to allocate match assignments for tournaments in the Capital District.

Please note that there is match priority: match assignments from the Youth Assignor take precedence over tournament assignments from the Assignor of Tournaments.

Match Fees

The Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association (ENYYSA) has released the referee fees for 2023 through 2026. The fee schedule covers outdoor matches for the age range U7 - U19. Click here to access the ENYYSA referee fees.


Uniform Guidelines

